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More About the PAC Design

nextgen learning to elevate your airway practice
How it works
building a better learning environment

Our creative design team built each learning space at PAC to be immersive, interactive and self-directed. Customize your learning, explore at your own pace, and make use of all the in-person and multimedia resources within them. Here is a quick guide on what you’ll find inside and how to use them.

immersive design
merging digital & physical space

No more classrooms. Each theme based installation uses our uniquely interactive design: impactful graphics, and embedded multimedia content integrated with hands on training tools and displays allow you to explore the physical space at your own pace and customize your journey in a way that best suits your learning needs.

guided practice
hands on at your pace

These immersive physical spaces are yours to explore at your own pace in a judgement free zone. Customize your journey in a way that best suits your learning needs.

expert coaching
feedback the way it’s meant to be

Each installation is an immersive “flipped classroom,” freeing both learners faculty from having to teach in a one size fits all format. Instead of talking or lecturing at groups of passive learners, coaches can give you individualized feedback based on your level of experience.

simulation challenges


High fidelity simulations and other challenges are integrated into each learning space to solidify your new knowledge by actively deploying them in a team-based environment. Debriefs help you identify areas of improvement so you can customize a path back through the space for even more focused learning. This iterative learning cycle helps to develop mastery.

state of the art

intensive hands on practice

Day two of PAC is a full day in our state of the art anatomy lab. Small groups and multiple high quality cadavers with diverse airway anatomy make for an incredible learning experience.

get started by Mapping Your own Journey

All our online learning spaces are recreated in the physical space at our live events. Visit the spaces here before you arrive and begin planning your journey through them.

Make sure you bring

All the interactive spaces at PAC use digital content you can access yourself on your own device. Please don’t forget to bring these essentials ☺️

  1. Headphones
  2. Mobile Device
  3. Charger