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About the PAC Master Class

Built for Better Performance in the Real World

Expanding the Virtual Space to Deliver

Critical Concepts & Skills in Emergency Airway Training

see things through the eyes of the expert

Master classes are theme based and narrative driven. More importantly, the content is told through the eyes of the expert. We designed our masterclass style to capture both the hard and the soft skills of emergency airway; the straightforward, as well as hidden aspects of mastery that are needed if you want to use what you learn in the real-world. A PAC masterclass seeks out the tricks of the trade our experts rely on in their practice so we can bring them to you.

more about the pac masterclass program

Created by our Protected Airway faculty, a master class covers all the critical concepts and skills you need to master a clearly defined emergency airway topic. To complete a PAC Masterclass start with the core knowledge videos: short discussions of the essentials by our experts. Then, move into the deep dive sections where you’ll find a treasure trove of innovative content curated by our faculty: rapid fire reviews, microskill gifs, podcasts, interviews, practice changing evidence, mythbusting, curated FOAMed by other innovative airway educators are just some of the things you will find. Our faculty will also provide you with self-directed assignments you can do on your own to improve your skills,

Some of the available and upcoming masterclasses from PAC


How far can you go with online and remote learning? How can we merge digital and physical space to meet the needs of learners, enhance knowledge translation, and meet the challenges of healthcare delivery in our time? These are just some of what goes into the design thinking of PAC.

That’s why the Masterclass is just one part of an integrated approach to curriculum development that performs in the real world, and that meets learners where they live. Once you’re done with a Masterclass we invite you to join us for our live streaming events, our virtual training lab, as well as our in person opportunities that are guaranteed explode your concept of the traditional conference.

Meet the Experts, Join the Conversation, Connect to our virtual training lab,

We’re partnering with leaders in telemedicine, at the Center for Virtual Care, to develop innovative new tools that provide safe, efficient, realistic, and effective medical education built for today’s learning environment. Like our installations we’ve applied design thinking to transcend the limits of online learning: expanding our use of the virtual space to enhance your clinical performance in the real world.

Virtual Training Lab

Immersive, Interactive, Collaborative


Once you’re done with the online master class and expert sessions,, it’s time to jump into the v-sim. No clinical training is complete if you can’t translate it into real world action. So we’ve have designed innovative ways to bring the physical space safely and effectively to you. When your done a faculty debrief will highlight the strengths of your performance, and areas of potential improvement so you can feel confident you could perform your new airway skills at a moments notice and in a time of need.